It's prepared in a brioche mould, one with fluted sides, with a narrower base and a broader lip, that in short looks like a ruffled dress...
(La Brioche de Chardin, 1783, Louvre)
Despite its French origin, the brioche is considered a viennoiserie. It is made in the same basic way as bread, but has the richer aspect of a pastry because of the extra addition of eggs, butter, milk, and occasionally a bit of sugar.
Tourte des Pyrénées (leçon)


So I headed immediately to look for the brioche moulds (Moule à brioche), to be able to try baking them at home. The small ones (10 x 3cm) I found but the medium-sized one I was able to get is somewhat weird, it's not 'ruffled' enough...
The Faerie Queene :
Lo, knight, I shoulde let thee eate croissant, not brioche !
( Aside : Lest me be guillotined, horror in the cartes it read the clairvoyante!)
The Knight said he literally,disinterested:
At breakefast popcornes I eateth !
The Faerie Queene (Soliloquy):
O, wherefore, art thou my knight ?!
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